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PSP challenges

This is my challenges page. On here I will show you the challenges that my friends and I have, I will show you the pictures. After the judge has looked over each picture I will place a gold medal on the winner and a silver medal on the second place winner.......Enjoy...

Challenge number one

This challenge was to use animation and images that you tube yourself. Also to use all the knowledge that you had from previous tutorials. 

The winner is Mom and her beautiful garden creation. Congradulations mom.
Judge - Tonya Pollick - My sister
Tonya would like to say.........
Although both were so great, Mom's has such great animation and glitter. Tasha yours is great also, Great glitter and love the spiderman with Lil Phils face in it.  It's so hard to choose and I love them both, but I'm leaning more towards mom's. Great job both of you. Keep up the great work.

Spiderman Bubba
This is my entry

This is my entry. I created this one using different spiderman images that I tubed myself and then added a web that sparkles and put my son's picture under spidermans mask and then I tubed and glittered the spider.

The Great Outdoors
This is my mom's entry

This is my mom's entry. She used her own tree photo for the background, her own tube of the feeder, She got the beetle & hummingbird from the internet and tubed them herself. The butterfly came with psp version 9 and she animated it. Click on the picture to be directed to her psp9 challenges page.

Challenge Number two

This was a challenge to come up with your own creation using creativity and just plain ole knowledge of psp. You are allowed to use pictures off the net as long as you tube them your self and your allowed to use your own images. The only rule is to not use a tutorial. But that you can use the knowledge that you had from doing different tutorials previous.

And the winner is Mom  Congradulations mom
Judge - Stacey May - friend of a yahoo group
Stacey would like to say...............
These both are great. Tasha yours is neat, I like the way you have done the Ice skaters in the drawer. I like your mom's too, for the Animation effects of sliding down the hill. I will have to go with Your Mom's, since it looks so real. I love the way they slide down The hill and the track marks are made..that is so neat.



My Challenge results
I used a drawer that I found off the net and placed a skating rink floor inside it and then I animated two tubes and made them skate across the floor. If you'd like to try this, go to my tutorial page and click skating drawer and that is where it explains how to do the same.



My mom's challenge results. This is a picture of Jim and Trevor. The picture is of the hill next to where my mom lives and she placed them at the top of the hill and animated it by making them sled down the hill. Sooooo cute.

Challenge number three
This challenge was to create a kit using the theme oopsie daisy, and then using the pieces from the kit to make a scrap page. The judge will see which set of pieces she likes the most and then let me know whose was best. Let's see who wins.


This is my kit Oopsie Daisy


This is my kit with pictures.


This is my mom's kit Oopsy Daisy


This is my mom's kit with pictures

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