Lets get started and remember to save often
First download the files that I've supplied for you. Open them both in psp.
1. Minimize the camera for now we are gonna work with the polaroid picture. Open your image that you wish
to put in the polaroid. Resize if neccesary. Copy and paste onto your polaroid picture as a new layer. Rotate your picture
to where it fits inside the polaroid. Get your magic wand and make your polaid layer active. Select inside the polaroid. Now
make your photo layer active and then click invert selection and hit the delete key on your keyboard.
2. You know have a polaroid photo. Okay now minimize that for a minute and open your Camera picture. Add a
new raster layer and drag it undernieth both layers. Flood fill this layer with desired color. I choose a light yellow. Now
the other two layers is the camera layer and the top layer of the camera.
3. Now we are gonna insert out polaroid picture. Copy and paste the polaroid picture onto a new layer. Drag
the new layer in between the top layer and the camera layer.
4. Grab your mover tool and move the picture inside the camera. Let a little bit hang out so that you can
grab it.
5. Add your water mark and any other embelishments.
6. Copy merged and paste as new animation in animation shop
7. Go back to psp make your camera layer active and go to effects/illumination effects/sunburst.
color - white
brightness - 48
horizontal - 73
vertical - 13
density - 10
brightness - 30
brightness - 100
click okay. Now drag the camera layer to the top
8. copy merged and paste after current frame in AS.
9. Go back to psp and undo twice to put your camera layer back at the bottom and to make the sunburst disappear.
10. Make your photo layer active and drag it out a little bit so that it now shows.
11. Copy merged and paste after current frame.
12. Go back to psp and drag it out a little bit more.
13. Copy merged and paste in AS.
14. Continue to do this till your photo come completly out of the camera and vwa-lah. Send your results to
Phillip102604@yahoo.com I love seeing your results