How to make a blinkie. Made with psp9 and animation shop.
Open a new image 300X200 transparent background. Raster Background,
and 16 million colors
Step 1 flood
fill your image with what ever color you choose.
Step 2 Add your text. Make it the size you want but make sure you leave
enough room around the edges to add sparkles.
Step 3 Go to layers and duplicate layer. Now make your copy of background
layer your active layer by clicking it in your
layers palette, and then clicking okay.
Step 4 Go to your picture tube
tool and get the tube sparkle
Step 5 Set your size to 55 or lower depending on how big you want your sparkles to be.
5 place sparkles in a frame like way around your text. Leave enough room to add another sparkle next to each one.
6 Over in your layers palette make your background layer active by clicking it and then clicking okay. Change the
to about 60 just so that you can see your new sparkles. Now add sparkles next to each of the other sparkles. You
now have a light colored sparkle frame around your text. Now change the opacity back to 100
Step 7: You should now have
two layers all together.
Step 8: Hide the first layer and copy merged. Take to animation shop and paste as new layer.
Step 9: Go back to psp and unhide that layer and hide the second layer
Step 10: Copy merged and go to animation
shop and paste after current frame and change the frame properties of both
frames to 20. Vwa-lah. Your done. I hope you
had a great time with making a frame. Email your results to me at